
What Type of Doctor Should You See Following a Car Accident in Philadelphia?

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    By seeking help from the right medical professionals, victims create a treasure trove of evidence, a mountain of medical records that can ultimately support their compensation claims. But what specific types of doctors should you see following a Philadelphia car accident?

    After a car accident in Philadelphia, victims should seek medical care from emergency room physicians, primary care physicians, and medical specialists, in that order. It is important that victims take these steps and heed any treatment plans advised by medical professionals. Failing to seek care from the necessary doctors after a Philadelphia car accident can negatively impact a victim’s compensation claim against a negligent driver. If you don’t have enough medical evidence to support your claim, you may be unable to recover damages.

    Our attorneys are here to help car accident victims throughout Philadelphia get the justice they deserve. For a free case evaluation with the Philadelphia car accident lawyers at The Reiff Law Firm, call today at (215) 709-6940.

    Types of Doctors to See After a Philadelphia Car Accident

    Immediately after a car accident in Philadelphia, victims must get the necessary medical treatment. While this immediate care is crucial, so is the continued care victims receive in the weeks and months following a collision. In order to have sufficient, thorough medical records detailing your injuries, you need to see the right types of doctors after a car accident. Seeing emergency room physicians, primary care physicians, and medical specialists is necessary for Philadelphia car accident victims.

    Emergency Room Physicians

    Your first stop after a Philadelphia car accident should be the nearest emergency room. The medical professionals in an emergency room are equipped to treat car accident injuries at a moment’s notice. These doctors are experienced in handling traumatic injuries from collisions and other devastating accidents. When victims visit emergency room doctors after a car accident, they gain access to the advanced equipment and resources necessary to get the immediate medical care they need.

    Visiting the emergency room and seeking care from a trauma doctor is also important in case you need immediate surgery. Car accident injuries can be very severe, causing victims to need intense treatment right away. If you go to the emergency room immediately after a car accident, the doctors and medical professionals there can take good care of you.

    Primary Care Physicians

    While our West Chester car accident lawyers don’t advise victims to go to a primary care physician right after a collision, it makes sense to loop your normal doctor in on the situation after you get immediate medical attention. After all, your primary care physician knows you better than almost any other doctor. They’re familiar with your comfort levels and your medical history. Your primary care physician can help you understand the complex treatment you may need, allowing you to feel more at ease going forward.

    That said, it’s important to note that primary care physicians are often ill-equipped to treat car accident victims following a crash. If you go to your normal doctor’s private practice after a car accident, it is unlikely that they will have access to the resources and equipment to treat you properly. In fact, more often than not, primary care physicians in Philadelphia will turn injured car accident victims away out of an inability to provide adequate care. So, while you can visit your primary care doctor eventually after a car crash, and it is a good idea to inform them of your injuries, they shouldn’t be the first medical professional you speak to.

    Medical Specialists

    Depending on your injuries, you may have to see a specialist after a car crash in Philadelphia. That said, it can be difficult for victims to understand the significance of seeing a specialist following a collision. That’s where our car accident lawyers come in. Our lawyers can help you understand which type of specialist you need to see and how such medical professionals can aid in your recovery. Generally, a specialist is the last type of doctor you will see on your road to recovery. That said, you may have to maintain continuous visits with a specialist for weeks, months, or even years after a car accident in Philadelphia.

    What Happens if You Don’t See the Right Types of Doctors Following a Car Accident in Philadelphia?

    Failing to go to the hospital and seek medical attention from the right types of doctors can negatively impact car accident victims in Philadelphia. Unfortunately, many victims may be unaware of such repercussions and forgo seeking the necessary medical treatment following a collision.

    If you don’t go to the hospital and seek care from an emergency room doctor, it can harm your chances of recovering compensation in a lawsuit against a negligent party. By going to the emergency room after a collision, victims create medical evidence showing they sustained their injuries during a car accident. If you wait to go to the hospital, proving that connection can become more difficult. This is especially true for victims without a skilled Philadelphia car accident lawyer. In addition, the longer you delay going to the emergency room, the more insignificant your injuries can appear.

    While going to your primary care physician after a Philadelphia car accident may seem unimportant, that’s not true. When you visit your primary care physician and tell them about your accident and injuries, they’ll include that in their notes. Talking about the difficulties you’re facing due to your injuries and other hardships relating to an accident can help your compensation claim. If you don’t speak with your primary care physician after a Philadelphia car accident, then those notes and records won’t exist.

    Finally, if you choose not to see the right specialists, whether physical therapists or neurologists, you can have difficulty recovering damages. Remember, if you’re not showing a desire to heal and recover, it can be challenging to find success in a lawsuit against a negligent party.

    Call Our Attorneys After Your Philadelphia Car Accident

    If you’ve recently been injured in a car accident in Philadelphia and need help getting the right medical treatment, reach out to our attorneys. For a free case evaluation with the Reading, PA car accident lawyers at The Reiff Law Firm, call today at (215) 709-6940.

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