
How to Get a Police Report for a Car Accident in Allentown, PA

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    The days and weeks after an accident are often the most difficult for victims, as they might still be reeling from the injuries they suffered. This makes it challenging to gather all the important documents for potential compensation claims, like car accident reports, which we can facilitate so there’s no delay in starting cases.

    We’ll confirm whether officers from the Allentown Police Department (APD) or Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) answered your 911 call and came to the scene, which will dictate how you can get the report. Reports written by officers at the APD are accessible in person or by mail, and reports written by officers at the PSP are accessible online. Once we have the report, we can read it for relevant information, like eyewitnesses’ contact details, and put it to use for your case against a negligent driver.

    Get your case assessed for free by our Allentown personal injury lawyers by calling The Reiff Law Firm at (215) 709-6940.

    Getting Car Accident Reports from the Allentown Police Department

    For accidents on roads that are not highways, meaning most roads in Allentown, officers from the Allentown Police Department will arrive when victims call 911 and request assistance after collisions.

    Reports completed by the APD can be picked up at its headquarters, which is located at 425 Hamilton Street. Copies of reports cost $15 and are payable by cash, money order, or check, and it’s important to arrive with the proper payment so you can get your report. This service is available Monday through Friday from 8:00 in the morning until 3:30 in the afternoon. Bring a valid government photo ID with you and be ready to give additional information so police department staff can locate the report, like the accident’s date, location, and the report number given to you by officers at the scene.

    The Allentown Police Department also accepts report requests by mail. Letters must contain the requestor’s name, address, contact information, the report number, and the accident’s location, as well as a check or money order of the proper amount, $15 per report. Requesting a report by mail could mean it takes longer for you to get it, so keep that in mind.

    According to 75 Pa.C.S. § 3751(a), police departments in Pennsylvania must finish initial reports so they are accessible within 15 days of collisions. Reports could be available even sooner, and victims can call the Allentown Police Department before they go to get the documents in person to make sure they are ready.

    Getting Accident Reports from the Pennsylvania State Police in Allentown, PA

    For accidents on highways and interstates in Allentown, like I-78 and Pennsylvania Route 145, officers from the Pennsylvania State Police may respond to collect information and write crash reports. If this is true in your case, it will mean you have to take different steps to get the report, which our lawyers can explain.

    Pennsylvania State Police car accident reports are available online. This makes retrieval simpler for many victims, particularly those with injuries that prevent them from going in person to get reports, though our attorneys would help in such situations to ensure victims obtain reports that may benefit their claims.

    To search for your report online, you can provide the case number if you have it. While officers might give you this information at the scene, it’s normal to misplace it, especially if you must go straight to the hospital and have to deal with painful injuries. If you do not have the case number, you can search by the crash’s date and your last name. Like when getting reports in person from the APD, victims requesting reports from the PSP online will also have to give basic personal information and explain the reason for their requests. It could take up to seven business days for the Pennsylvania State Police to approve the request you send. If it has been longer than that, tell our Allentown car accident lawyers, and we can reach out to inquire about the delay and obtain the report and any additional materials.

    Once the PSP approves your report request, you will receive an email notification requiring you to pay the $22 fee in order to receive the documents you have requested. Once this is done, you will get the crash report and we can begin reviewing its contents.

    Getting Important Information from Car Accident Reports in Allentown, PA

    Our attorneys can learn much about an accident from a crash report, helping us pin down the sequence of events and gain a deeper understanding of the involved parties, apparent property damage, and even officers’ impressions.

    The accident report will also note the weather and road conditions at the time. This could factor into your case, as some defendants try to argue poor weather or road imperfections contributed to an accident and should lower their liability. We can prepare for this possibility based on some of the information included in the accident report, likely also involving crash reconstruction experts to assess contributing factors and evidence of property damage. Experts can conclude a driver’s speed at the time of the crash, which might undermine arguments that weather and road conditions contributed to it. For example, if a driver was speeding when it was raining and they lost control, hitting you, they would be at fault, as they were being negligent despite the conditions.

    Car accident reports also summarize collisions, describe injuries and apparent property damage, and list any eyewitnesses who were present when officers arrived. Contacting witnesses will be one of our focal points. Witnesses might view accidents from different angles and perspectives, possibly seeing negligent or reckless conduct that the victim did not. Interviewing these individuals can lead to strong evidence for your lawsuit, and we will do so as soon as possible so their statements are accurate.

    Call Our Lawyers About Your Car Crash in Allentown, PA

    Call our Philadelphia car accident lawyers at (215) 709-6940 for a free case discussion with The Reiff Law Firm.

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