If you were injured at an indoor waterpark, you probably have a lot of thoughts swirling through your head about how your recovery will progress, when you can return to work, and how to afford medical bills. Another thought many individuals in your position have is how long their personal injury case will take before they see compensation for their injuries. The personal injury lawyers at The Reiff Law Firm are available to discuss with you the intricacies of your case and how long it may take to reach a desirable settlement or conclude an indoor waterpark accident trial in Pennsylvania. Our waterpark accident lawyers are ready to serve you. For a free, and confidential consultation on your case, contact us today.
Issues that Decide the Length of Your Indoor Waterpark Injury Case in PA
Identifying the exact time that your personal injury case will be complete is not the easiest task. You have to think about type of injury you sustained and how mild or serious it may be, you need to determine whether the insurance company for the indoor waterpark will want to settle or send the case to trial, and you need to think about the weight of the evidence you have. These are just some factors which go into determining the duration of your case.
One of the most important things is knowing how seriously you were injured in your case. This involves consulting your doctor about the severity of your injuries and whether your body will suffer any permanent or long-term effects from something like a spinal injury from a defective waterslide. If you needed surgery, a doctor may not be able to tell you immediately how well you will heal. As a result, you may be waiting several weeks or months to find out the true severity of your injuries and how they will affect your life down the road. It is important not to rush this process, as a mistake many injured parties make is accepting a settlement too low to cover their needs, such as lost wages from missing work. If you accept a settlement that does not fulfill your needs, you cannot go back to try the case again or ask the defendant for more money.
Another factor is your relationship with the insurance company defending the indoor waterpark. An insurance company will likely base their defense upon the gravity of your injury and the amount of evidence you have against the waterpark. If you have a well-documented injury, unbiased witnesses, and proof of the waterpark’s liability, an insurance company will likely open settlement negotiations. In turn, if your case is flimsy and not carefully investigated, an insurance company may want to draw out the case or take the case to trial if they are confident they could win the case for their client.
One more variable which is not mentioned above that will certainly have an impact on the length of your case is how experienced the waterpark injury lawyer you retain for your representation is. Whether the law firm you hire for your case can properly negotiate and investigate the details of your case is a deciding factor in how long it will take to settle or litigate your case.
Waterparks are a business which owe their patrons a duty to protect them from dangerous conditions on their property. The failure to do that is a violation of premises liability law, which concerns the safety of a landowner’s property. Premises liability and personal injury often go hand-in-hand and is worth mentioning when discussing a personal injury which occurred on another’s property.
Ways that You Can Speed Up a Premises Liability Lawsuit in Pennsylvania
Waiting too long to file your indoor waterpark lawsuit can have several undesired effects on speed. For one, if you do not file your case on time you may miss the statute of limitations deadline and be barred from filing your case completely. An injury sustained at an indoor waterpark would be a personal injury for the purposes of filing your case. Therefore, your statute of limitations to file your case with the court would be two years.
An additional reason to file your case early is that if you file your case too long after your injury, the you witnesses’ memories may become hazy and unreliable. Your witnesses are an important part of your case, and if they cannot remember that you suffered a slip and fall injury at the waterpark that day then it will be hard to prove that case.
Also, if you retain a Pennsylvania indoor waterpark injury attorney early in the process you can begin putting together your case and filing while everything is still fresh. Not only that, but your attorneys will have time to investigate your case, so that you are prepared for whatever defense the waterpark’s insurance company will produce.
Finally, you should consider filing your case early because it improves the possibility of receiving compensation for your injuries sooner, which will alleviate the stress of dealing with medical bills or other problems that may arise while you are injured.
Our Philadelphia Indoor Waterpark Accident Attorneys Can Help
The length of your indoor waterpark lawsuit may take a few months to well over a year depending on the strength of your case and how soon you file. That is why it is important to consult an attorney about your case as soon as possible.
If you or a loved one has been injured at an indoor waterpark in Philadelphia or anywhere in Pennsylvania, talk to an attorney as soon as you can. The Philadelphia personal injury attorneys at The Reiff Law Firm are ready to represent you. For a free consultation on your case, contact us at (215) 709-6940.
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